Important Notice. Please do not purchase a gift certificate before reading these eligibility guidelines:
- Participants must be over 30 years of age without a previous diagnosis for coronary artery disease. If you do not meet this age criteria, you must have a referral from your primary care physician prior to scheduling.
- Previous procedures: If you have had stents placed, bypass surgery or have been previously diagnosed with coronary artery disease or you are an established patient with Arkansas Heart Hospital Clinic, you will be ineligible for Keep the Beat.
- You must weigh 500lbs or less to complete Keep the Beat screening.
- It must be at least 5 years since your last Keep the Beat screening to participate again.
- The recipient will need to schedule an appointment to use the card. Information to schedule an appointment is included on the card.
- If you have any questions regarding eligibility for Keep the Beat, please call 501-219-7283.
- Can not be used with any other offer.
To place an order for a voucher please use the link below. There you will be able to use a credit card or PayPal account for the purchase. You can choose from either an eVoucher or a physical card mailed to you or a recipient of your choosing. (If you have ever signed into Paypal with this browser, you may be prompted to sign in to purchase. You may either delete your browser’s cookies or use a different browser to use a credit or debit card. We will be adding a new payment option in the near future so that credit/debit card payment is the default.)