As a referring physician or healthcare provider, you can trust Arkansas Heart Hospital to care for your patients. We are committed to partnering with you to ensure best-in-class care for your patients, identify opportunities to better serve you, and facilitate easy interactions throughout the referral process. We strive to create relationships that will bring value to physicians throughout Arkansas, Texas and beyond.
Provider Liaisons
Our physician relations team serves as a single point of communication for your practice when questions or issues arise. For personalized assistance, please contact one of our provider liaisons in your area:
Jodi Corty Region: South Arkansas |
Lauralee Neldon Region: Central Arkansas (501) 749-6342 |
Pam Bratton Region: North Arkansas (501) 454-4339 |
We hope to serve you with the following areas and more:
- Providing information on Arkansas Heart Hospital physician specialties and services
- Establishing access to HeartLink
- Facilitating referrals or troubleshooting if difficulties arise
- Listening to your feedback to create a seamless referral process and continuum of patient care
- Identifying CME and community opportunities available, such as speaking events and community screenings
- Clinic Directory – Lists all the Arkansas Heart clinics, contact information and the available physicians
- Medical Services – An overview of the services available to your patients
- Arkansas Heart Doctors – Directory of Arkansas Heart physicians and their specialty
- Arkansas Heart Advanced Practice Providers – directory of Arkansas Heart APRNs and PA-Cs.
- Provider Bios – download and print bios as a resource for you or your patients
Contact Information
- Clinic Phone – (501) 664-5860
- Medical Records Fax – (501) 663-1753
- New Patient Fax – (501) 748-8498
Our Programs & Services
Cardiac Care
Related Diseases & Treatment