More than 700,000 Arkansans are affected by obesity – and 25% of those patients also have Type 2 Diabetes. Bariatric surgery can reverse obesity-induced Type 2 Diabetes, and that’s why Encore has made bariatric surgery its specialty. Patients are changing their lives and getting back to the things they love with the help of the experts at Encore, and we want to highlight some of their success stories.
Kim Morriss
After struggling with her weight since she was 10 years old, Kim Morriss decided to lose the weight and keep it off with the help of the experts at the Bariatric and Metabolic Institute. When she went in for her gastric sleeve surgery, she weighed 286 pounds – and just eight and a half months later, she had lost 110 pounds.
“I am in the best shape of my life and am able to enjoy hiking, running and spending time with my 13 year old son,” Kim said. “I want to say thank you to Dr. Bledsoe and the BMI team for helping me get my life back!”
Authur Smith
After losing both parents to obesity-related illnesses, Authur Smith made the choice to be proactive in preserving his bariatric health. He spent several years trying to lose weight through methods like supplements and fad diets, but decided to come to the Bariatric and Metabolic Institute when he had trouble keeping the weight off.
“I really got a dose of reality when I proposed to my then-fiance Lauren and struggled getting up from my knees after popping the big question,” Authur said. Within five months of lifestyle changes and help from the Bariatric and Metabolic Institute, Authur lost 85 pounds and was able to notice a difference in how he felt every day. “For the first time in life, I feel awesome – and to think, I waited this long to take charge.”
Charles Hopkins
In March of 2018, Charles Hopkins weighed 480 pounds. He wanted to live a long, healthy life and see his son grow up, and after meeting with Dr. Samuel Bledsoe, he realized bariatric surgery was the best way to do so. He underwent a gastric sleeve surgery in October 2018, and has since lost 180 pounds.
“I have my life back,” Charles said. “With the help of Dr. Bledsoe and the Bariatric and Metabolic Institute at Arkansas Heart Hospital, I am living my life to the fullest.”
Tanya Walker
Tanya Walker first came to Dr. Jon Fuller at age 37, when she weighed 309 pounds. Losing weight was difficult for her due to a thyroid disease, so she opted to undergo a gastric sleeve procedure at Arkansas Heart Hospital. In just one year after her surgery, Tanya lost 128 pounds and feels better than ever.
“I have more energy, no more joint pain, and less medication to take each day. I want to say thank you to Dr. Jon Fuller for helping me get my life back,” Tanya said. “I am extremely grateful for this opportunity to be able to play with my 2 and 8 year old children and be an active athlete again. I also enjoy the compliments that I get from people that try to distinguish if I’m the mom or sister of my 19 year old daughter.”
Learn more about our Bariatric and Metabolic Institute and schedule your appointment today to learn how bariatric surgery can help patients achieve their weight loss goals.