The COVID-19 pandemic has brought plenty of uncertainty into our daily lives, but keeping your health a priority has remained a constant. It can be tough to know what’s safe these days, and as a result, many Arkansans are avoiding or putting off going to the doctor for routine check-ups, surgeries or ER visits – sometimes putting their heart health during COVID-19 at risk by doing so. At Arkansas Heart Hospital, we’ve been working harder than ever to keep our facilities safe so you can keep coming to us for all your heart care needs. We’re excited to take it a step further by partnering with the Take Care Arkansas campaign.
Like several other health care providers in Arkansas, we noticed since the start of the pandemic that the patients coming in were often in worse shape than usual – not because they had contracted COVID-19, but because the fear of doing so by going to the hospital kept them from seeking medical care when they needed it. Take Care Arkansas is highlighting the extensive measures Arkansas health care providers are taking to ensure the safety of our patients, and encouraging Arkansans to stay healthy by keeping their appointments. We are taking every precaution to make sure you can get the care you need in a manner that’s safe – in fact, it’s never been safer.
Learn more about Take Care Arkansas and what you can do to protect your health during the pandemic here. You can also learn more about how Arkansas Heart Hospital is continuing its safety precautions here.