New Clinic location and Premier Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation center to open in April
Arkansas Heart Hospital is proud to announce the grand opening of its new Clinic location and Strong Hearts Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation Center in Russellville. Strong Hearts is the first and only intensive cardiac rehabilitation program offered in the River Valley.
Plans for a new clinic location started nearly a year ago to handle our growth. Soon after it was clear residents in Russellville and surrounding areas could benefit immensely from having access to an intensive cardiac rehab facility.
“We are delighted to bring such expansion to the River Valley” said Dr. Bruce Murphy, Chief Executive and President of Arkansas Heart Hospital, “offering our patients a personalized, medically supervised program. No other modality has the ability without medication and without surgery to heal the patient as quickly and completely as intensive cardiac rehab.”
What makes this program unique is the number of education sessions which address lifestyle behaviors, hands on cooking and exercise classes. Strong Hearts will offer yoga, stretch and flex classes to reduce stress, along with a full demo kitchen to teach hands on healthy cooking and grocery shopping.
“We are equipped to work with patient’s schedules and insurance coverage along with offering a variety of education and exercise sessions tailored to each patient’s needs providing the best opportunity for optimal recovery and, hopefully, prevention of another event,” said Strong Hearts Director, Christine Alongi.
Studies show that cardiac patients who participate in intensive cardiac rehabilitation significantly lower their chances of a second event. Please join us Tuesday, April 17 for tours of the new facility.